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Monday, December 11, 2006

Iraq: No Fault, No Harm

I am not exactly sure who said that...nor whether it was said...but it sounds like the type of thing that HAD to have been said at some time within the confines of the Oval Office. I mean, it sounds like the type of rationale one of those people had to offer at one time or another.
It sort of rings of the locker room or the gridiron, and truly those are the best places for decisions of war to be made.

I seem to remember what I really disliked about the Iraq war was the arrogance of our leaders as they shooed us toward the stormdoor of disaster.

I mean, the President was almost prancing like a giddy schoolboy on the deck of that aircraft carrier.
And Ken Adelmann said it would be a cakewalk.
And Wolfowitz said it would pay for itself...a new and great notion: wars that pay for themselves.
And the Richard Perles of wisdom.

And we actually believed it. No one brought up the point that the problem with War is (1) it's hell, and (2) you don't know what's going to happen.
What exactly blinded us? Did we really think God was - or is - on our side? What did we think would rescue us from our stupidity?

Believe it or not, I have spoken to someone who thinks someone well-known is the Anti-Christ. His proof of this is the ease by which the Anti-Christ duped, dupes, will dupe us with our own beliefs and how we seem to be demonically rendered blind to the truth.
That's hardly a proof, I said. It's all been done before.
Exactly, he said, grinning madly.

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