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Monday, December 25, 2006

A Merry Anti-Christmas

In this morning's news:
India Tests Nuclear-Capable Surface Missile
India PM Discusses Nuclear Deal With US President Bush
To facilitate the deal, the US Congress has to create an exception for India from some of the requirements of the US Atomic Energy Act, which currently bans nuclear sales to non-NPT signatories.
Furthermore, India will not agree to ban possible nuclear testing.
Pakistan Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Missile
Russia Can Play Topol-M Trump Card
The United States has withdrawn from the 1972 ABM Treaty and resumed tests of tactical nuclear weapons. It also continues to stockpile (instead of destroying) nuclear warheads and Minuteman ICBM's, which it launches as drones for missile interceptors.
...Moscow has no choice but to rely on military force to defend its national interests. Consequently, Russia is attaching priority to maintaining and upgrading its strategic nuclear deterrent forces and aerospace defense system
And Mr. Gates is backing the BMD system and the group in Washington have worked our way back to a Cold War. This government is actively pursuing a course of confrontation with all weaponry, including nuclear. And this is from a government which has demonstrated total ineptitude over and over again.
The Military-Industrial Complex will not give up like people who want peace do.
I do not think we can put up with another 2 years of this.

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