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Monday, April 30, 2007

Snobbery In The Bloggery

My nephews "liked" my post about the Club of Ariminium and Caesena. (In case you missed it- and there is a good chance of that- the club measured our approach to military dictatorship in terms of steps closer to the Rubicon, upon whose ancient banks stood the towns of Ariminium and Caesena. Caesar crossed the Rubicon on the way to destroy the Roman Republic. There. All clear?) This is not about that appreciation, however. It is about Snobbery in the Bloggery, or a certain need for Bloggers to demonstrate that they know more than their insipid readers. I don't. I just write. I do not know more, but I can do the old three-ring circus type of writing better than most...a true spectacle all gathered under one tent: elephants ( who are symbolic of my weighty thoughts), high wire acts (who are symbolic of my flights of fancy), clowns in a small car (symbolic of people who disagree with me), and the bearded lady (symbolic of Hanaan down at the diner). I used to insanely imagine that folks that used Latin in their writings actually knew Latin, and this implied they were of a certain type, and they would tend to be rather "Frasier-esque", though not nearly so OTT ( over the top). Well, like all insane imaginations, this one proved false. Don't they all. (Consider the dreams for world peace. Remember the Peace Spring when the USSR bit the dust. All gone like the snows of winter...ou sont les neiges d'antan? Or, as Yossarian would have it, where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?) I wuz reading a posting by a person whose Blog cognomen incorporated large chunks of the good old Lingo of Latium. He posed a question. In fact, it wuz a question about History and the Past and Memory...a whole sweet assortment of Proustian madeleines. I commented a brief comment expressing a possible interpretation. He thanked me, disagreed, and proceeded to say that my "premises" were faulty!!!!! I wonder, is that person some sort of Educational Type Manque that feels the need to end everything he says with " the way, your premises are faulty." I had a suggestion, not a bloody treatise. Buffa! Vita e buffa!

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