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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Philosophers Read Cal Thomas

I know one who does. This was the event that made me realize even Socrates may say something quite stupid. Ask Xanthippe if you do not believe me. Anyway, Cal Thomas has written an article called: The Same God? and I picked it up from a site called
Now the article is embraced by a picture of Ann Coulter on the right side. She is looking alluringly sluttish as is usual. She is a regular Right-Wing incubus...or succubus...or Wraith. Quite the picture. Amazing, isn't it, that the Bush-type conservatives ( i.e., interventionism, the heck with fiscal responsibility in government, etc.) discovered that Truth may be subliminally associated with almost bared breasts.
There is a photo of another young girls chest, suitably covered with a T-shirt with some slogan that passes for witty. Beneath that, there is another young girl in some sort of office milieu wearing extrememly short shorts. The camera is at floor level and aimed upwards. Since the article itself is about God and whether the Christian God is the same as the Muslim God...( I have not gotten to the punch line yet.)...there is also a picture of Palestinian women demonstrating for Palestinian unity. They are dressed conservatively Muslim and do not seem to be saying anything about Allah, at least according to the description under the photo. More subliminal stuff: Christian God is frat boy, Allah is kill joy ? It really is worth a look.
Here's the url:

Anyway, Cal Thomas starts:
"Whatever else his critics say of him, no one can fault President Bush for failing to go the extra mile in his efforts to show that neither he, nor the United States, is opposed to the Islamic faith, or to Muslim nations."

Yeah. Right. Right on, Cal. He differentiates between the "Gods" of the two religions:

"God calls himself "I Am" and says He is one, but with three personalities. Muslims believe God's name is Allah and reject the Trinity."

THREE personalities!!?? As if the Christian God were Sybil!?

"The president can be commended for sincerely reaching out to Muslims, but he should not be commended for watering down his beliefs and the doctrines of his professed faith in order to do so. That's universalism. There are "churches" that believe in universalism, his Methodist church does not. No Christian who believes the Bible believes in universalism. And No Muslim who believes the Koran does either. President Bush is wrong - dangerously wrong - in proclaiming that all religions worship the same God."

Here we have the observation that "watering down beliefs"= "universalism", and churches that believe in universalism must be churches that need to be spelled with quote marks= "churches". He depicts the admirable cognitive states existing is modern day Christians and Muslims as if (1) he were exhaustively familiar with them, and (2) these benighted souls were the paradigms of belief. A true buffoon is Mr. Thomas. Fit reading for any philosopher. Actually, he is quite fit and proper for the modern age of Neoconservatism.

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