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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Reality As An Ideal Construction 2

We may provide a simple Mr. Wizard test with which we distinguish Objective Reality ( Johnson's cobble stone) from Reality as Construction: (1)Reality as basic and simple, free and independent, or axiomatic (objective reality) occurs in situations free from language, memory, imaging, and other forms of conscious behavior; a void silent of data. (the Johnson kick: the leg and foot accelerated to the stone.) (2)Reality as construction, dependent, or derived occurs in the fullness of consciousness; in situations where there is so much conscious activity that it almost stifles one. (the Johnson observation: the mind and mouth creating "Thus do I refute Berkeley!" and Johnson's feeling of satisfaction at having successfuly demonstrated his point.) At this point, assuming that I have not been so obscure as to have lost your attention to something vastly more interesting such as a ticking clock, one may notice that in the silence of the void of Reality as basic and fundamental (1) bears a great similarity to certain concepts of Zen or Ch'an Buddhism. If you notice this, I may take the liberty of pointing out that it also bears a similarity to certain concepts of Christianity, Islam, and Judaeism, as well as just about every form of Religious consciousness with which I am aware. It has been one of the purposes of all religious geniuses to pierce the veil of deception which separates us from God; that exiles us East of Eden; that perpetuates the myth that the World itself is cruel and not the mankind which inhabits that World.

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