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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where Is John L. Lewis When We Need Him?

I golfed with Steve Yokich once...just he and I. He used to be President of the United Auto Workers. We were practicing our swing, actually. He gave me a few pointers and was very kind and cordial. That was my good experience. Now: The New York Times Labor Board Restricts Union Use of E-Mail

"The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that employers have the right to prohibit workers from using the company’s e-mail system to send out union-related messages, a decision that could hamper communications between labor unions and their membership.

...The ruling is a significant setback to the nation’s labor unions, which argued that e-mail systems have become a modern-day gathering place where employees should be able to communicate freely with co-workers to discuss work-related matters of mutual concern.

...“Anyone with e-mail knows that this is how employees communicate with each other in today’s workplace,” said Jonathan Hiatt, general counsel for the A.F.L.-C.I.O. 'Outrageously in allowing employers to ban such communications for union purposes, the Bush labor board has again struck at the heart of what the nation’s labor laws were intended to protect — the right of employees to discuss working conditions and other matters of mutual concern.' "

If you want to communicate with each other, go to the bar after work. Or go to the Union Hall. Or use your own e-mail, duh!

If you want e-mail, I shall let you use mine for free...I don't think.

It is nice to know what awful stupidity awaits us when the Democrats return to power.

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