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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Children's Crusade

I like Barack Obama and, if he runs, shall probably vote for him. However, what I do not like is the lemming-like adulation of the Media (but the Media knows only Attack-Fawn behavior, doesn't it: attack someone or fawn at their feet?) which once again whips the populace into some religious-like trance. They have their ears to the ground, they detect a run-away train: it is the Obama groundswell which will sweep to the White House !! Hallelujah! The Media and the populace performed this same perverse stunt back in 2002-2003 when it did its Iraq War thing, popularly known as Shaka Naw or Shock and Awe. It is the very act of preying on a populace who from youth have been taught to respond to the behavior modifying devices of TV and commercials that disgusts me. The American people will never grow up. They are living in Never-never-land. Their entertainments have debased them to greedy children watching TV visions of dancing candies. In Desert Storm I we watched in immature fascination as Baghdad was bombed right before our eyes, right in our living rooms on our television sets. In Desert Storm II, or Shaka Naw, we watched the evil guy with a moustache, the vizier Jafar, be defeated by the youthful Aladdin. And speaking of youthful, look at the candidates running for President. Why haven't their wives, their mates with whom they raised a family, aged in the manner of their husbands? The husbands have lines and creases on their faces, but the women are images of youth. Well...I actually do know why. That was a joke. It is a matter of the Iconography of a society. And American society's values are treated as commodities in a market of Icons, bartered and transformed and traded, as easily as new wives for old. ...ever in pursuit of being Peter Pan and Wendy in Never-never-land. Within this whirlpool, even those opposed are unable to escape playing their parts. The mind-numbing charlatanry of the O'Reillys and Limbaughs and Hannitys fall in line and parrot their effete negativism (rather like Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings), filling in admirably for the widely drawn villains of this cartoon; not real villains, but the overblown caricatures of human beings which is the role they have been cast in and which they have accepted: knowingly that they will gain influence and money; unknowingly that they are mere pawns of a scenario over which they have no control. What the Media has strained mightily to set a stage for some Disney event and it looks as if it is going to pull it off. Americans can't live in the magic kingdom. Americans as well as most people do not have any grasp of the type of commitment it requires to live in the kingdom of peace. This gift of peace is not given and maintained by God, rather it is we ourselves who create this kingdom and maintain this kingdom by our actions overt and hidden. And even though we are committed to dreams of utopia, we are not committed to changing our lives in such a way as to effectively accomplish an age of peace. Dream on, fools, at least until Cinderella's coach comes a-calling.

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