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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Love America

Yes I do. Do I love Andrew Jackson winning at New Orleans. Yep! Do I love Andrew Jackson stealing Indian lands and driving them forth into the wilderness? Err....probably...not. Do I love winning World War II and all the sacrifice that was made to win it? Yep! Do I love the present time when we will not even sacrifice for a war, but will lower taxes and pay for it on the grandkids' tab? Do I love how, during the oil embrago of the seventies, we all complained about the 55 mph speed limit, but we pretty much observed it and drove down demand? And non-essential lights were turned off and Christmas became dark? We missed it, but we all worked together. Do I love how at the present we let ourselves fall into the SUV trap, customers and auto producers alike, and now will not reduce our speed for any reason? Do I love how America welcomed my ancestors? Yep! If my ancestors had been grievously wronged, would I love that aspect of America? Doubt it. There are many Americas within the notion of "America". I can say quite easily and sincerely that I love America for (1) the genius of the Founding Fathers, and (2) despise America for lynchings. And I can go on and on like this. So can you. Let us not do so and give the pretense of acting as if we were adults for the time being.

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