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Saturday, March 15, 2008

I See The Chickens Circling

Barack Obama's Pastor said: "America's chickens are coming home to roost." and this referenced what we have come to enshrine in abbreviation as 9/11. 
 Obama spurns pastor's 9/11 jibe 
It is so similiar to Malcom X's statement following the death of John F. Kennedy that it may be considered to be a quote. I may have an opinion, especially because I have had the time since 1963 to think about it. It may be construed to mean some thing like: If you wish to establish and maintain an Empire, you have to be ready to assume the burdens and pay the costs as well. Running an Empire is not all tea and crumpets. Very often the natives get restless. 

 As to Empire, recall we have troops yet in Okinawa, an establishment going back to World War II, a war which in reality has never ended, but has transformed into the push for empire by the USA and the USSR. It is still not over. The angry chickens are circling overhead. The buzzards are booking flights in. 


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