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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Boss Haggee And Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe Liebermann had the excellent luck of going on Fox and defending Boss Haggee just before the blow-up of the "Hitler is the best thing to ever happen to Jews" tape. However, it is commonplace to get foolishness from politicians.

I think somehow the desire to get rich off charading as a public servant and buffoonery are genetically interlinked. When Jesus said to go forth and teach the nations, He did not give any details about how to go about doing it. The first Christians went about humbly and visited Christian enclaves across the Roman Empire, depending on the good will of the local Christians for support and sustenance. John Haggee decided to become a Televangelist and make a great deal of money, more money than James, the brother of Jesus, ever saw as the head of the Christians in Jerusalem; more than Paul ever saw in all his travels.

John Haggee and his ilk are the Mighty whom Mary says will be cast down from their thrones. They are monsters of spiritual abuse... And they are liars worse than Simon Magus. All these who crave for and worship Armageddon will get what they wish...they will swim in their own river of blood they see flowing in the Promised Land.

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