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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Before A Fall

It has been written that Pride goes before a fall. It has been verified once again: Shock 'n Awe ! Perhaps the most arrogant and foolish entry into the horrors of war ever seen by a long history of fools and charlatans. Such arrogance usually extends through to other areas: greed, acquisitiveness, power. A society so corrupted will look kindly on every hubris, on every arrogant grasp beyond what is human and humane. This was our country. It no longer is for many. For those who are still arrogant, it will be burnt from them. The rest of us will weather the storm. The storm is passing, and may pass quicker now than appears. Suddenly everyone is smart, everyone sees the danger we have been writing about for years. As usual, they see with the eyes of men accustomed to lust for power and money and are misled. They are always wrong in the long-term. The crimes were done in the past; the tortures, the arrogance, the greed, the stupidity of the powerful seeking to enlarge their already enormous trough:
Die Welt ist Meiner Trog
or, the World is My Trough. What we see now is the aftermath, the clean up that the rest of us must do. I perceive something better coming, coming fast, but our hearts must change. Each heart that changes will be saved.

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