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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kommt die Kristolnacht

Faust's Pact With Mephisto ( the devil )
America's Pact With Lobbyists, Domestic And Foreign

I use William Kristol as a paradigm of misguided opinion, a neo-conservative writer of shallow understanding and hubritic designs. The coming US Economic Storm is in good part due to such folk as William Kristol...and such imbecilic institutions as The New York Times that employ him. When your leaders spend more time focusing on what is good for Israel as they have been informed by AIPAC, rather than focusing on their fellow countrymen, when they spend more money being consumed in foreign wars, rather than investing in America, when they allow their native keen understanding to atrophy into ignorance and need the viagra of monied interests and lobbysist to spark their wit, when you have Teppichfressers like Kristol baying at the moon, while the planet goes to hell in a handbasket, then comes the neue Kristallnacht, die Kristolnacht, wohin lebt der Geist der stehts verneint. (the new crystal-night, the Kristolnacht, where lives the always-negating Spirit!)

note: Teppichfresser is a person who chew rabidly on the edges of carpets; i.e., a raving madman.

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