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Friday, September 26, 2008

Pangloss ou Sans-gloss?

I have not heard from mon ami Gil, il y a 2 mois, peut-etre? Since I have not heard from him, I shall do what I always do nowadays and write some lines for him. Gil: EH! Ca va? Moi: Bien, vieux grenouille! Good, and you? Gil: O.K....heh, heh. Oooooo-K. (silence for 2 to 3 minutes) Gil: Soooo, that title there... Moi: Where? Gil: (points to Title section of Blogger Post) There... Moi: Oh, I see. Yes. What of it? Gil: What does it mean? Moi: Oh. "Pangloss" is a Voltaireanism, and we could construe it as "all tongues" and get the notion of being fairly communicative, whereas "sans-gloss"... Gil: "without a tongue"... Moi: Right. The general notion of being incommunicado. Gil: Ah. Necessity is the Mother of Conversation! Moi: Indeed. Gil: (looking around) Where are the dogs? Moi: Hmmm. Dunno. What day is it, by the by? Gil: Friday, September 26.......2008, if you need that part. Moi: Thanks. No, I'm O.K. on the year thingie. Tea? Gil: D'accord... (exeunt omnes, pursued by a rather large ursine animal)

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