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Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Family: A Symbol And A Reality

"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future."
Alex Haley
The family of our Present is a link to the Past and a bridge to the Future. There is more than metaphor here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A post on family appropriate for the new year of decline of American Empire.

I won't be posting very much at all, as the good bits have all been said and I have to put my actions where my mouth was; working locally, living in my family, and being useful to the future of the universe. My life is one of physically repairing the broken universe, whether the problem is one of technology, logic, or love.

Our Net Creativity lies in being sensible and moderate in our actions and thoughts.

Family is the people we can do this with. Anyone encouraging otherwise is trying to steal your value and family. Marketing, Consuming, Invading; these are not family functions, and I look forward to seeing their demise in the coming months as the System of Failed Systems collapses upon itself and the Locality of Family and Real Value reigns over the lands.
Money can be inflated away, but social equity only grows. What we do in the present becomes family in the future if we do it with care and kindness.