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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Montag Investments, LLC

I am one of those cursed with deep pot-holes, but not blessed with deep pockets, money-wise. Since there seem to be a good number of us - 5% of the populus Americanus being rich while the remaining 95% are schlubs, schlemiels, and goniffs - we need to come up with a way to part the rich from their geld. Ahah! This Bernie Madoff thing is just the key! Obviously the rich - of the deep pockets - are as stupid, if not stupider, than we of the shallow pockets. How can this work to our advantage? Simple. Set up a Ponzi scheme and design it to appeal to the country club set. If properly done, we should be able to get, oh, $ 6 billion after a few years. Of course, that would only be about $20 apiece if we share and share alike, but the idea is sound.

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