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Friday, February 13, 2009

Cowards Of History & The Present Immediate Tense

Metaphysical Schema of the Present Tense

The USA and Israel have been the closest of allies. Furthermore, each one is reliving the past of its most intimate enemies. The USA is nationalizing the economy and Israel is viewing the rise of Avigdor Liebermann to power fueled by a hatred of Arabs.

The Present is much more important than we seem to think. The Present Immediate is the short time we can actually act, the time before things are coded into memory. We must act correctly, or we shall condemn our age to more chaos.

A Brief Metaphysical Exposition of the Concept of the Present Immediate

Present Immediate is the period of time we are actually in contact with the World, before we have begun interpreting the data based on the many codes that the human body uses to move data from the senses to the brain.
For example, consider the people who are very much politically oriented. Upon receipt of an item of news, they immediately process it into a "pro" or "con"; it is more of the same hideous Right, or more of the same misguided Left - depending on their point of view. The actual time that these entities are in contact with the data uncontaminated by their recognition as belonging to one of their pre-exisiting categories of understanding is very brief, indeed.

However, one need not create the "pro" or "con"; one need not immediately jump into "with us or against us". This is the difference between the ways of life: competition versus co-operation, alienation versus comradeship. (Even the hunter is not necessarily "competing" with his prey for the pay-off of "life"; it can be more complex than that.)

The Present Immediate is the time during which we see the Thing-in-Itself, the Kantian Ding an Sich. It is the time we are actually in contact with the World. It is the time before we have fully reported and worked on the data, and partially committed it to short-term memory. It is this time for which we spend our moral lives. It is then we must be good, in order that what we experience will be gathered into the symbols of goodness, and not evil.

Confused and blind minds have created the New Depression. Now they shall seek to create the New World War, and the New Holocaust.
I refuse to relive any more of Catastrophe's History. I refuse the New Shoa. I shall not allow any New Holocaust of any living being, human or animal. I shall try to extend my time in Present Immediate, that I may experience the World without the "for" or "against" of the present generation of mankind... ...because I believe that the Word of God lay within the Silence and Quiet of the consciousness of the immediately present, in that dawn consciousness we had as babes new to the World.


Unknown said...

Good luck on that for or against thing.

Agree about the locus of God . . . too bad we can't will ourselves into "dawn consciousness."

Montag said...

It is my belief that we can...and already do to a limited degree.