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Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Long View Of Russia & Freedom

I once said after the fall of the USSR that I wondered when the USA would suffer its similar come-uppance.
I considered the two powers mirror images of each other, at least in their international and economic gangsterism, and thought they would probably have similar fates.

After competing for so long, countries tend to become their opponents, just as long married folk tend to become more and more alike, husband and wife, over the years. Furthermore, the story was not over, not by a long chalk. I fully expected Communism to react to the disaster with creative change and be back, maybe for the enhancement of all mankind!

Imagine that! I never counted the genius of Russia out after a little thing like the end of life as they know it. The Russians have faced and come through far worse. Russian mind and genius have a great more yet to offer mankind, and it will be forthcoming.

The Capitalism of the Future; i.e., that economic system that will be the sustainer of humanity in the future era of Space - the era envisaged by Star Trek - will be heavily influenced and formed by re-born Communist and Socialist thought, tempered by the force of Orthodox Christianity resurgent, after the present mess is swept away

Anti-government protests have erupted in Russia. In Vladivostok, the protests were organized by the Communist Party. In Moscow, anti-Kremlin rallies carry signs saying Komsomol Moskvi, and this has echoes of the Communist Youth Organization of yore.

We are feeling the rough hand of the Future grasp our hands, and lead us on. We will soon hear the songs of new voices to enchant our souls. Oh, great time to be alive - at the death of tyrants! and at the birth of the New! and the childhood of true Freedom!


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