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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Captain Nemo's Tableware

Captain Nemo set a good table on the Nautilus; we have the description of Prof. Arronax on that. The plates had the Nemonian logo on them: Mobilis in Mobile; or Changing within Change...not Flexible in Mobile, Alabama, as Fr. Conroy used to say - this was the same Father Conroy of Semper Ubi Sub Ubi fame.....Always Wear Underwear. Irony is change, and as you know, we are in a distinctly ironic age, an age of reversals of fortune: guys in top hats slipping on banana peels type of reversals...or financial sectors freezing up overnight. So I'm reading this morning ( ) ......and if you ask whether I am Jewish, I shall give you my standard reply: look surprised and ask why you are stereotyping me, and then ask you right back if you're saying that just because you know that I control world finance! Many a puzzled look I have garnered with that one, I can tell you. I notice that Little Green Footballs ( ), previously a conservative blogger bordering on the right-wing ( I am a conservative blogger bordering on Plantagenet Palliser, better known as the Duke of Omnium ), has cut ties with the right and has undergone a change, mobilis in mobile. So I put him on my reading list now. I think I can put up with his constant schnorring for donations, I mean, we all have to make a living. His change has occurred seemingly recently, so it would be interesting to read about a fellow conscious being in the grips of ... conscious-dom...or conscious-hood, or whatever the word is that describes the existential plight of a neural network everyday guy.

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