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Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Unconscious defines the Individual, not the Conscious. The Conscious is what we share with others, what we interact with; the Unconscious is incapable of being shared, being beyond symbolic representation. Memories of dreams are conscious attempts to paint the unconscious...what is remembered as a wetlands could have been a highway in another painting-memory of the same dream. The World-as-Fact exists because we always ask another: is it so? is it there? And they will answer yes or no; we can go to a larger group and ask, and they will take a poll and derive statistics, and this constant flow on information makes the world-as-fact. We change our world-as-suffered and world-as-enjoyed into a communal world by stripping off the bark of feeling, and setting up mute and deaf icons, bereft of emotion, but easily communicated without causing people offense, nor ecstasy, nor despair...


Ruth said...

I've started following a blogger named Shattered who posts memories of her horrifying abuse at the hands of her father. It is almost unbearable to read, yet I admire her will to get the vile poison out in the open, even in such a public forum as a blog.

These things we write offer us a fine dilemma of being universally approachable on one end of the spectrum, and being utterly honest without caring if what we say is controversial on the other.

I feel the world more than I see it, or maybe it is how I see it. And this electronic cyber format is not well suited for that way of meeting the world. No facial expression, tenor of voice or pause. Just saying "thank you" in person can be a heartfelt moment on both sides. Here, without exclamation points and emoticons, you wonder if your meaning gets across. It's hard to resist the hyperbole for that reason.

Montag said...

Yes, one always wonders. Even if you see people, you wonder if your point gets across. Some people really hide if they fear that you see the effect you have on them...scarey.

Be careful...
I really can't be more specific that that.