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Monday, February 22, 2010

Montag's Law of Government #1

Observe a couple things:

(1) the gridlock in Washington prevents legislative government from functioning;

(2) the Patriot Act;

(3) the war in Afghanistan which had been won in 2001-2002.

As government becomes more and more incapable of creatively functioning for our welfare ( the non-creative stills grinds on : the Bureaucracy does its job ), it tends to become progressively more and more tyrranical - depending not on the will of the governed, but on oppression and coercion.

When society is not drawn to respect and mimic the values exemplified by an enlightened leadership, because that leadership is obviously ineffectual and craven, then society must be moved and motivated by beatings and whippings.
Government will curtail individual rights, because rights interfere with the functioning of government. This was clear to the Founding Fathers who strove to curtail tyrannical government.

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