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Thursday, February 11, 2010


We have many gods. The god of conscience and society that we build and structure over our lives is probably the most familiar. It is this god that enforces social morality and is this god who gives the law and enforces it, and is happy when we obey.

And then we have angels, demons, all manner of entities.

You will know God when you come across Him; He does not mess around. It's all very clean and quick. There is no conversation of believers and non-believers over tea, no debate whether it is good to forgive debts - as we forgive our debtors.
Praise God who has liberated us from empty words! Qui nos liberavit ex verbis inanibus!
All the words of the present age are slave words and thief words and words of compulsion that are used by the rich and powerful to entrap the weak. It is well to be free from them. We actually seek the God about whom Mary said: He casts the mighty from their thrones, and He raises the lowly!
That is the God who doesn't mess around.


Unknown said...

We swim in God and he swims in us. We're ensconced in God as in a silken comforter, in his immensity, in his minuteness. One day, pray soon, his justice will prevail. Then shall the lowly be raised.

Montag said...

Let us not forget that as the mighty are being cast from their thrones, they will attempt mightily to destroy the world rather than give it up.

Rather like Hitler. Funny, you know. Nowadays everyone uses "Hitler" as the ultimate insult...I guess we are subtlely aware that a good many of us are more like Hitler than - of, say Jesus...or the Lord Buddha.....