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Friday, June 04, 2010


I read Commentary Magazine on-line at least once a month. I find many of the articles interesting, particularly those articles which take the view that since Israel's greatest threat in the Middle East is from various Arab countries or peoples, then the USA faces a similar threat from - not Arab countries nor Arab peoples, but from Muslim Ideology.

I find them very interesting. I really cannot describe it. I know now is the time to set forth what I believe to be the case, what I agree with or disagree with, and all that folderol of the Reasonable Society, which - believe it or not - we are supposed to be part of. Imagine that ! Reasonable !
I no longer agree nor disagree. After 60 years of this conflict, to agree or disagree would be to enter into the same malaise that dogged my ancestors. No thank you. Observe our follies and learn from them.


Unknown said...

But we don't learn from our follies. That's the whole problem. If we did, we would have a lot of things figured out by now, wouldn't we? I tend to agree with you that taking sides in this conflict is futile, but not because we're going to learn anything by watching hatred work its way--again.

Montag said...

Our problem is that we do not remember our follies; they are transformed in memory.

Memory is not data storage, but is more like writing an opera and following various rules and algorithms we have inculcated into our lives.

Check out memory at:

Unknown said...

Well, that makes sense. I never quite thought of it that way.

Montag said...

We endlessly re-write and delude ourselves up until the floor drops out... then we start over from scratch and reality.