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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Tech of Respect, Tech of Disrespect

The Tech of Disrespect for the Earth and its People is by now much further advanced than the Tech of Respect.
Disrespect-Tech can foul oceans and the mighty seas, whereas Respect-Tech still sits around in sweat lodges.

Greenpeace takes a small boat out on the fishes-highway, cold Njörðr's house [ note: Norse sea god ], where they fight against modern whale-slaughter corporations upon the seas: where the thanes of Njörðr  [ note: the whales ] are killed and cut down like thin reeds, pulled into the maw of the life-rending ship, and processed by the hundreds and thousands; only 5 men in a small open skiff oppose them, risking even death.

When the Respect-Tech catches up, that will be the day of celebration. But for now, there is no great joy, for even those great medical breakthroughs we keep hearing about will often be denied to many of us for a number of reasons. Respect is and will remain an illusion for some time to come until that time when we may save and make whole the Earth and its inhabitants by the millions and for long periods of time with the same ease by which we create profits at high rates for long periods of time.

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