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Friday, August 27, 2010

Fleeing Choirs

M.S. Taitt, iconographer of Detroit et alii, mentioned that I am preaching to the choir. That's true. Any choir-outsider would absolutely snort with contempt at anything I say.

My friend of 30+ years lost his job a year ago; he has looked assiduously for work since, and had no luck, he may not be able to afford his health care costs soon.

He has mentioned a number of times recently that he recalls the days when we used to run together in the early mornings before work - back in the 80s and 90s. He said I always had a "thing" that some catastrophe was in the future that would change us all. Since we were friends, he thought me merely quaint and "funny" in a nice way.

He's in the choir now. But I can't help him either. We are living in an Age of Irony: great reversal. How ironic it was that the Tower of Babel, supposed to have been a proud monument, led to the peoples been dispersed over the face of the earth in consternation! Irony. Great reversal of fortune.
We must change to handle change. Suffering breaks us down - like brainwashing - and lets the future rebuild us. I just had a jump on it. I have told the tale of looking about at the wreckage of 2008 and being aware that this was the train wreck I had sensed coming. How could anyone have thought such a thing about " the mightiest power in the history of mankind" ( as we were so fond of refering to ourselves back then ).


AD said...

"Preaching?" -- I think of it as producing vitamins and antidotes that the body social needs and actually uses.

Minimally, the sense that many others see reality in the clear produces a positive reaction and makes visible a community that, as disaster grows, will grow in size and ultimately lead the the way out of this disaster-riddled Egypt...

Montag said...

Society producing antibodies is a good image.

However, clarity is a commodity in very short supply.

At each step of the way, there are those who are too optimistic - and are paid for it - and there are those who have despaired. Neither are clear seeing.
Then we have those who are unused to using theit sight in such a manner, and need time to adjust.
Then there are different thicknesses of blinders on the eyes........

Unknown said...

I would like to know what "coming out of this" will look like. I'm convinced that we won't recognize ourselves.

Montag said...

According to my intuitions throughout my life.........
it is going to be ery different.v