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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From the Office of the EDOC: Equal Destruction Opportunity Commission

First, our prayers for the Russian people involved in yesterday's blast at Domodedovo airport.

Second, policemen in the US are being shot and killed at record rates. This is exactly what was predicted would happen when the gun culture expanded in 2007-2009. This is what the Palin does not understand: if you talk violence, violence will come. If you have guns, guns, and more guns, people will tend to increasingly be shot. This holds true no matter how many untruthes and lies are mouthed by the gun lobby and their know-nothing proponents.
In Mother Jones:

Death Threat for a Palin Critic

 In Alaska, an activist seeking access to Sarah Palin's gubernatorial emails is threatened with assassination.

Responding to criticism she received after the January 8 Tucson shootings, Sarah Palin referred to death threats she and her children have received, suggesting that the Palin clan have been victims of heated political rhetoric. And an aide noted that the Palin team was consulting with security professionals. Andree McLeod, a prominent Palin critic in Alaska, could also use such help, for she has been publicly threatened with assassination—just for requesting, under Alaska's open records act, the work-related emails Palin sent and received while governor.
and goes on to recount threats to journalists and the activist.

This quote demonstrates the extremely odd and stubborn ignorance of certain people, not just right-wing or left-wing. The whole point of pointing out that Palin had used violent imagery and that this was an incitement to violence and that violence turns against everyone, not just one's political enemies, was exactly the point being made!
Anyone with a family that has members in the public view has to be daft to invoke violent imagery, totally irrational. Your loved ones are hostages to fortune, and if you play a part in making fortune nasty and brutish, you threaten them.
And this extends to the policemen being killed, and the innocent bystanders in Russia...

Violence is an Equal Opportunity Destroyer

pix:  getuchito

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