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Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I for one am sick of the Google instant fill in for search items. It is constantly guessing wrong and I end up looking at totally ridiculous things, and having to re-do it all. Today I wished to write "disable" and I got as far as "d", at which time Goggle decided I wanted to say "delete", inserted it, and allowed me to type on in this manner - me blythely pecking at the keys while the Google room with a million monkeys seated at computer monitors edited and otherwise overrode what I wanted to say.

Better than coffee in the morning to wake you up.
Oh, and the Blogger Help is pathetic.


Unknown said...

I have had good luck with instant fill. So far. As for help, you can never find it for what you're seeking help for, plus it's always indexed differently than the way you're thinking about it.

Montag said...

You have just pointed to the next billion dollar idea: indexed by what we are thinking about, not by what we may have thought in the past.

Interesting, as usual; very interesting.