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Monday, January 10, 2011

Virtue Theory

Reading about virtue theory in phil, and about E. Anscombe ( I think that's the name....).
Simply, virtue theory says to focus on which virtues to learn and teach rather than which rules to have and to obey.

Why is this so important?

It is extremely important because life is so dynamic and changeable that there is no set of rules which may encompass all the combinations and permutations of a breathing second!
Therefore, when the salami hits the fan, if you have already learned to be virtuous, you will respond immediately with Bravery or Fortitude or Perseverance and Charity.
If you go by the theory of rules, you will still be looking up which rule applies long after the fan-hitting salami is gone the way of all cold cuts.

It is important for us because we are leaving an Age of Theory and Rules and entering an age of Virtue or Lack-of-Virtue when we shall have to respond with haste.
That's why I keep harping on having "good stories" as the substance of our mythic makeup, to have a fund of virtuous tales and role models we may have quickly at hand to meet the things that will come. When time is short, we need to have our "Kobayashi Maru" winning strategy all ready to go.

When the force of events - violent events - leaves no time for reflection, we can only fall back on what we have learned as virtuous behavior.

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