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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bury My Heart At Pritchard, Alabama!

I was watching the Sunday Morning show segment of Pritchard, Alabama, where the city saddled with 144 retirees essentially refused to take care of their pension fund, aided and abetted by the State. Other municipalities that have ducked their fiduciary responsibilities over the last 25 years are watching with interest.

In can you have missed it, there is a substantial group of people in this country - our fellow citizens - who are quite willing to steal from us, to defraud us, to constantly lie to us, and eventually to kill us with their long knives... and they will see this slaughter as a victory!... just as they saw their genocide of Native Americans as a victory!
If the extreme Right-Wing continues , there will in the future be movies about the glorious Slaughter Of The Retirees.  By allowing an entire section of society, the elder retirees, to die from lack of financial resources, there will be a genocide of enormous proportions. As a Wisconsin Republican legislator said on cable "They should be happy to have a job!" referring to the protesting public employees: or Arbeit Macht Frei! - work makes you free, as the sign over Auschwitz proclaims.

Have your escape plans ready.

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