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Friday, April 29, 2011

The Entitled Class

Taking a break from the live coverage of the Thriller at Westminster ...  on computer and cable... Kate Middleton will be getting into her limo soon, so every camera has switched from the Queen walking up the aisle at Westminster to a surreptitious shot by a strategic camera placed in what very well appears to be a hotel's dust bin to try and get a glimpse of Kate.
Since she and her dress and veil are going to be stage center for the next few hours, I do not quite understand why the news organizations think this is necessary. I'd rather watch the Queen right now; she and I go way back. But it seems that news organizations are - in their very heart of hearts - all just sleazeball paparazzi, and do not feel that they're doing their jobs unless they are sneaking around pillars, listening at doors, and peeking in keyholes.
(By the way, did you notice the way Her Majesty just hopped right out of her limo when she arrived at the Abbey? Positively as if ejected. Much more agile than I.)

So I will unload some posts for a few minutes...

US Budget

There are no meaningful budgetary plans, because they all avoid how to control military spending. We have to not only control spending, but more seriously, we have to modify the structures of Self-Interest and Profit that have grown up around war and the military: the Military-Industrial-Complex. However, this problem exists in all the areas of the budget.

We have many Complexes of Greed and Self-Interest, many more than merely the Military-Industrial Complex. We have the Big Banks lobbying right now to preserve their right to charge Retailers every time we swipe a credit card, thereby driving up the costs of everything so Banks may increase their wealth even more. We, the Swiping-Class, have no lobbyists.

The ENTIRE leadership structure of the USA feels itself to be an Entitled Class which is only getting its due by cheap money, asset bubbles, and speculations which make life miserable for the rest of us.

That is why all the budgetary plans are centered around reducing our benefits, and are NOT focused on rectifying the Culture of Greed and Entitlement and Excessive Profits and Socialized Risk that permeates this country.
The real battle is changing the culture of Depredation that has become established in the hearts of this country.
Otherwise, the disaster will be on schedule... a schedule as tight as that of this marriage ceremony I am viewing; thank heavens for a competent Master of Ceremonies. We have gotten too much used to time schedules that are based on Rock Culture here.

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