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Thursday, May 19, 2011

End the Afghan War Now

Afghanistan to me will always be the Wedding Party War:  the war in which we blew away numerous jolly revellers celebrating weddings because we thought they were Taliban guerillas. It may have been the bridal raiment that caused the confusion.

I am opposed to any further presence of my country in this War.

Somebody other than Afghanis are in on the billions in aid being misdirected, and the billions in drugs being grown and sold.

Withdraw from Afghanistan now. We have no right to be there anymore. If we ever did, our indiscriminate killing of innocents and civilians has nullified it. There's only so much justification to be wrung from the acts of 2001. End the war now.
The Taliban allowed Bin Laden to hide in their country. He had paid them by assassinating the head of the Northern Alliance a few days before 9/11. Bin Laden is dead. As disgusting as the Taliban may appear to some people, we have no just cause to be in what is their country fighting them anymore.
End the war now.

If we do not end it now, the military-industrial-corrupted leadership of this country will never remove our presence from there, at least not until that day when we totally implode, as did the USSR after their Afghan episode.
End the war now.



Ben said...

I would argue that the Taliban have no right to assume an autocratic and evil leadership of Afghan. It is not their country at all. If the US withdrew now, it would cause public outrage that the Taliban were allowed to "win" and establish an unjust rule and other such inimical groups may become intrepid and stage coups in other countries, and more bedlam would explode. Withdrawing from Afghan would be like giving in to the bully. Also, if the US withdraws, the people of Afghan will be subjected to whatever the Taliban may dish out to them. No. The US is in a rut with their tires spinning, but there is little they can do. The US acts in the name of the Greater Good. They don't try and kill innocent citizens. The Taliban, on the other hand, does. It's one of those convoluted cases where there is no right answer...only a "best" answer, I think.


Montag said...

The way I see, whatever happens, we lose.
It was that way in 'Nam and it will be that way in 'Stan.

As Sherman said, "War is all hell."

Would you also argue that the USA has a right to assume a "democratic" and "good" leadership? It is not our country, either.