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Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Morality of the Extended Mind

Most of the world's great religions have done a pretty good job with individuals and their morality.

However, they have uniformly failed when we consider Group behavior and morality.

As difficult as it may be to find one's personal "savior" or definition of The Holy, the only shared metaphors and attitudes we possess with others of our religion are Coercive, Violent, and Xenophobic.

The Future is the redemption of the Extended Mind of Mankind.


AD said...

Of course it might just be that the core element *is* the individual and that the collective *as* a collective will never get it.

Just saw something suggesting that humans have been around of 1.7 million years -- and the collective back then was doubtless just as screwed up as it is now.

The optimization of this sphere may not be part of the design...

Montag said...

Right. I think it is up to us to do it... or die trying.